Specialist Courses → Course Standards
Inshore Instructor Course
70 Hours

I. Basic Requirements
- Every instructor candidate should:
- Pass the Offshore Skipper Exam before approaching the course or hold an equivalent certificate
- Have at least 3 years experience after passing the above mentioned exam (ca. 3000 nm)
- Hold First Aid or Rescue certificate
- Hold Sea Survival certificate
- Be at least 18 years old
- Have at least high school education
- Should submit valid fitness declaration stating that he/she is fit for the activity
- PLEASE NOTICE that copies of all of the above mentioned documents should be presented upon submitting the application for the course
II. Training Venue Requirements
- The course should take place on a sea cruising yacht in an area where practical exercises can be safely practiced:
- Yacht handling under engine in harbor
- Yacht handling under sail at sea
- The yacht should be at least 30 ft. long and should be equipped with inboard engine
- It should be possible to live onboard the yacht (although it is not the strict requirement for the course)
- The yacht should have all the equipment necessary to run a complete ISSA training course for Yacht Crew and Inshore Skipper
- The yacht should comply with requirements set for training vessels in the location of the training
- There should be a dinghy with an outboard engine available for practical exercises during the course
- Some classes (to practice theory lesson presentations) can take place in a classroom but not more than 1/3 of the total course time. In such case the classroom must meet ISSA standards
III. Efficiency Requirements
There should be 1 trainer for a maximum of 5 candidates
IV. Training Conditions Requirements
- Handing under sail practice should take place in weather conditions between and including 3B – 7B
- There should be at least 40 hours of practical exercises
- There should be at least 20 hours of classes to practice the theory presentation skills of the candidates
- At least 8 hours of the practical training should take place in darkness (of which 4 hours should fall between 22.00 and 06.00)
- At least 3 meals should be prepared and eaten onboard the yacht
V. Safety Requirements
Throughout the practical part of the course, the instructor candidates should wear lifejackets as directed by the trainer
The instructors should be using:
- Whiteboard and display screen with adequate screening equipment
- ISSA instructor “Train The Trainer” handbook
ISSA Yacht Crew and Inshore Skipper programs, handbooks and presentations